Hi, I’m Victoria—research nerd & wellness marketing expert.
The origin story of The LaFont Agency ends over oysters at the Baltimore-Washington International Airport.
I agree—it’s risky to eat oysters in an airport. But if one were to eat oysters in an airport?
Baltimore seemed like the place to do it.
I had a three-hour layover, and the R&R Seafood Bar was a siren’s song in the foodie desert of Terminal A.
I caved.
You’ll be relieved to know I did not get food poisoning.
But I did get struck with 192 milligrams of zinc and the finality of an idea that had been brewing for years.
I started writing professionally in 2015 when the Nutritional Therapy Association hired me to rework its curriculum.
That same year, I enrolled in the human nutrition and functional medicine master’s program at the University of Western States.
I began noticing the divide between what was trending versus the evidence-based information I was learning in my degree program.
But bias wasn’t new to me.
I had plenty of borderline fanatical leanings, including a penchant for pounds of butter, a death wish for soy, and medical opinions that were, frankly, dangerous.
Being exposed to research analysis, stats, and faculty that humorously pushed against my stringent beliefs ignited a fire in me fueled by a desire to get as accurate as possible with little fear of being wrong.
I kept writing for NTA but picked up clients on the side.
Ones that wanted to explore and get balanced science out there. Ones that didn’t care as much about pop nutrition and getting famous as they did about interpreting statistical magnitude.
Unfortunately, I ran into a problem.
Those clients were few and far between.
Most people wanted to go viral, get to the top of Google, and become the sage on the stage.
And for some, it didn’t matter what info they were spreading to get there.
To be clear: I never planned on becoming a copywriter or marketer.
I quickly figured out I had to get good at the money-making aspect of wellness if there was an oyster’s chance in Baltimore of making accurate info trendy.
As it turns out…I love marketing.
And have inadvertently loved it since beginning my nutrition practice in 2010, a green clinician who cared more about blogging than seeing clients (not a great fit for a 1:1 practice model, BTW).
The more I learned about marketing, the more I wanted to know. SEO, aka the statistics of marketing, was especially captivating to my analytics-obsessed brain.
Until that layover in Baltimore at the R&R Seafood Bar, I hadn’t put the two ideas together.
Evidence-based content.
Effective, SEO-based marketing.
An idea was forming as I slurped oysters.
Maybe it was the radically high dose of zinc, maybe it was the ambiance of a mid-day airport bar, or maybe it was a hangover from breathing in jet fuel.
But it finally clicked: Marketing and science go together.
Or at least they should go together for entrepreneurial wellness pros.
When you market your medical offerings, you have a chance to improve healthcare.
Every blog, social post, newsletter, or line of copy is an opportunity to make money and improve your field.
SEO and good copy give research-based, practical content the push it needs to get popular.
And it makes you stand out as a new type of leader in your field—one who cares about helping people with the best information out there instead of being right.
One who can update her beliefs when new research is available, who gets excellent patient outcomes, and who sets a new standard for medicine and marketing.
The mission of The LaFont Agency is to help you set that standard.
We exist to improve medicine, one marketing campaign at a time, by creating bias-conscious, statistically interpreted, and practical content for patients and providers alike.
We’d love to support your work.
Victoria LaFont, M.S.
Owner, The LaFont Agency
Faculty, University of Western States HNFM dept.
Co-Host, Influenced to Death podcast
Victoria LaFont is an opera singer turned marketing expert. Her medically-focused agency has helped hundreds of clinicians go from burnout to career bliss.
The LaFont Agency offers marketing copy, strategy, and clinical research support. Their work is based on a bias-conscious interpretation of the scientific literature translated into practical content.
Previously, Victoria operated a successful clinical practice and formulated and scaled a supplement company—Truly Healthy Protein Powder—from product idea to company sale.
She has contributed to HealthMeans, Food Revolution Network, and designed and researched curriculum presented by the Nutritional Therapy Association. Additionally, she serves on the teaching staff of the University of Western States’ human nutrition and functional medicine program.
You can find Victoria working from bed at www.thelafontagency.com.
Hannah Wright, MS, FNTP
Hannah is a nutrition-based copywriter who greatly appreciates the nuanced mess that is nutrition science.
Previously, Hannah worked as a nutrition coach both in functional medicine clinics and virtually and owned and operated a pedal-powered bicycle juice bar with her husband. However, despite her love for her clients, she finally accepted that the one-on-one model was leading to burnout.
She has been a guest lecturer at the University of the South on the topics of nutrition and the gut microbiome and has designed nutrition and wellness programs for kids and teenagers at the Chattanooga Public Library.
In addition to writing, Hannah creates functional nutrition-based content focusing on gut health. (Be sure to check out Trust Your Gut, her newest course!)
She is a graduate of the University of Western States with a master’s degree in human nutrition and functional medicine. She loves roller derby (retired skater…for now), anything related to food anthropology, and adventuring with her wonderful toddler and brilliant husband. You can find her on Instagram at @_eatwellbewell.