Can you make 6 figures a year sitting on the beach?
So, is what they say true?
Can you make 6 figures a year with a mai tai in one hand and your favorite Barbara Kingsolver novel in the other?
This is marketing’s most notorious claim. But the ease of simply saying, “Make 6 figures a year while working from home!” has led to many an entrepreneur giving up before they have a chance to get started.
Because it’s a not-so-little white lie.
The part of the promise everyone forgets to mention is that making 6 figures will take years of clear, consistent, strategic marketing and business planning.
*Look me in the eyes: YEARS.*
Anyone telling you different is likely trying to sell you a course. ???? (Did I nail it, or did I nail it?)
Now, I’m not asking you to abandon this dream—it’s a fantastic goal.
The core of the idea—creating multiple passive and semi-passive income streams—is sound and will help you create a sustainable practice.
But we need to adjust expectations.
The third piece of the Science Meets SEO guide centers on effective marketing: Having a plan and getting found.
These two elements will lead to (you guessed it) 6 figures a year with your toes in the sand.
Through clear, consistent, well-thought-out strategies. You’ll hear me say this a lot, so let’s break it down.
You have to get clear on your practice’s why, the patients you want to serve, and the vibe you want to create.
This is both for you (so you don’t downright hate your business) and your marketing. No one, and I mean no one, wants another blog on hydration.
What they want is a blog on how to stop cramping at night in the summer…it’s ruining their sleep, and between the cramps and their 1-year-old, morning workouts are non-existent, not to mention their sex life.
That’s clarity.
Instead of writing another non-descript hydration blog, you’re solving a specific person’s problem (a busy new dehydrated mom who cares about fitness) and doing it in a style that incorporates your unique voice, aka your brand.
So get clear.
Who, specifically, do you want to see in your clinic? Why does your practice exist? And what’s your business personality?
Keep in mind…it will take some time to get clear. Give yourself the space to carefully clarify your practice. It took me close to 10 years. I have faith you’ll be a bit quicker.
If we’re counting down to 6 figures, the clock starts once you’re crystal clear and consistently broadcasting this concentrated message to the world via your web copy, newsletters, social posts, blogs, affiliations, ads, etc.
Notice I’m not advocating for a certain frequency of broadcasting. I’m advocating for consistency.
Consistency is likely the most overlooked element of successful marketing.
You have to keep showing up in front of your audience, with the same general message, to establish brand awareness and trust.
Over. And over. And over.
Some clinicians are so uncomfortable with consistent marketing that they never get off the ground. They feel like they’re annoying, that they’re repeating themselves, and that they’ll push potential patients away.
No, no, and no.
You may not be the best marketer in the world (and who expects you to be…you’re a clinician, not a professional marketer!), but you must keep putting yourself out there to build your practice.
The frequency of your marketing depends on your life. Do you have four kids, are halfway through your grad degree, and work full-time?
Your marketing will not be as frequent as someone without those factors.
But it still needs to be consistent. You have to find a frequency that works for you.

Strategy means having a plan.
And a smart plan means figuring out what you’re doing ahead of time, plus finding ways to achieve your goal with the least amount of work possible.
For example, let’s say you know your ideal client avatar/target audience. You feel deep-in-your-bones comfortable with your brand. You have a purposeful mission that lights you up. And you’ve started publishing blogs, sending out newsletters, writing guest posts, recording a podcast….doing all the things.
Your goal is to get to 6 figures. Sounds great.
But how are you going to get there?
Strategy comes in after the foundational work of clarity and, to some extent, consistency is established.
Once you know who you’re speaking to and have some practice doing it, then you need a way to market that doesn’t take up all of your time (because you’ve got courses to write, patients to see, videos to create…other areas of your business need your expertise).
The main strategies we use at The LaFont Agency are:
- SEO & list building, leading to…
- Funnels, leading to…
- Passive offerings, and
- Affiliate marketing
You can choose any strategies you want as long as:
- They’re logical fits to help you achieve your goal
- They’re passive, i.e., they don’t take much energy from you to make money once they’re established
Passive forms of income are the backbone of “make 6 figures while sitting on the beach.”
But now you understand why this (lovely, wonderful) goal can’t happen overnight or even quickly.
Want 6-figure support?
If your goal is to create a profitable, long-lasting practice, check out our Market Your Wellness Biz Monthly Membership.
Click here for a 7-day, 6-figure supporting free trial. 😉