How to Write Your Health and Wellness Business Homepage
You’ve stopped and started, stalled and avoided. It’s a hairy job and one you might be struggling with: How do you write your business homepage?
It’s not as scary as you think. In this blog, I’ll outline the elements to include (and exclude) from your business homepage, along with tips to keep the mean-spirited “it’s not good enough” mind monster at bay.
Do: Speak to your ideal clients on your business homepage.
I’m pretty obsessed with figuring out your ideal client avatar. And for good reason.
Marketing gets a lot easier if you’re familiar with your ideal client avatar, aka your dream client. Like a lot a lot.
What is your ideal client’s biggest problem? Their greatest desire? What do they miss? What do they love?
Your business homepage should let your ideal client know that you understand their biggest problem, that you can help them achieve their goals, and that you empathize with what they’ve lost.
This is especially poignant and sensitive when it comes to our work as health and wellness professionals.
Sometimes our patients are incredibly ill. And the words they read on our homepage can elicit deep feelings of hope. This leads us to our first “Don’t.”
Don’t: Create false expectations on your business homepage.
Any extreme promise is likely not integral. But a promise of indestructible work boots or a hair product that reverses heat damage is different from claiming cancer cures or the resolution of autoimmune symptoms.
So don’t do that. Not on your homepage or anywhere else on your website or marketing materials.
We can let our potential clients know we have fantastic tools to hone their health, but we can’t claim for sure that they will have a particular outcome. Biology just doesn’t work that way.
Do: Conduct basic SEO research.
SEO, or search engine optimization, strikes fear in the hearts of even the most tech-savvy nutritionists and trainers.
But fear not!
If you’re new to SEO research, the first step is getting your mind right.
You know to write your homepage based on your ideal customers’ needs. But now, consider what words they’re using to search for solutions.
Are they searching for “Hashimoto’s anti-inflammatory diet”?
Or are they searching for “How to lose weight with Hashimoto’s?”
See the difference? You need to write your business homepage with words likely to be used by your ideal client, not by you.
If you want to get more technical, I recommend Yoast, MonsterInsights, and Ubersuggest. Additionally, Google teaches SEO classes for free.
Do: Ask visitors to take a specific action.
Your website visitors have taken action to get to your website—followed a social media link, clicked a link in your newsletter, or searched on Google.
Keep that momentum going by asking them to take another action, one that will be highly appealing and valuable to them.
If you want to work with women who suspect they have thyroid disease, ask them to take your quiz that helps them determine what foods will support healthy energy and hair re-growth. If you want to work with female weight lifters, ask them to download your “Top 10 Ways to Effortlessly Increase Protein” one-sheet.
In return, you’ll ask them for their name and email address to keep them in the loop about your outstanding services.
Don’t: Ask visitors to take too many actions.
Have you ever been to a restaurant with a 10-page menu? It’s nearly impossible to decide what to eat.
Your business homepage is the same. You want to give your site visitors some great choices, but not too many. Decision fatigue is a real, researched phenomenon, and it causes your potential clients to bounce to another site.
Provide your potential clients three or four choices as they scroll down the page, with at least one repeating call to action, i.e., two spots with the same offer, and one action that doesn’t involve direct interaction, i.e., “download my free eBook.”
Do: Show off your gorgeous face on your business homepage.
A significant part of getting clients in the health and wellness industry is establishing trust. Our clients come to us with personal and sometimes profoundly vulnerable needs. They want to get to know us and feel safe, even just a little, before making an appointment and becoming paying customers.
So show off that smile and post your best high-definition photo. And let them in on your world.
What’s a catchy and exciting factoid about your past? How did you get into your work? Did you suffer from chronic Lyme, too?
Don’t go overboard, but let your audience know who you are.
Don’t: Say more than you’re comfortable sharing.
You get to decide what to divulge and what to keep to yourself on your business homepage or anywhere else on your site.
And this is a critical point—this is your business, not your bestie. You have to feel just as safe as your potential clients.
Do: Be yourself.
It’s a tad cliché, but it’s also the truth. You have to show up as yourself even when speaking to your ideal client and using words that resonate with them. Authenticity is attractive as hell, so let your true self shine!
I lean into this on my homepage by using slightly naughty language and wearing my favorite t-shirt, Prismo from the cartoon Adventure Time.
Remember, if potential clients are turned off by your personality, they aren’t your clients.
Don’t: Let it all hang out.
In real life, I like to work in my favorite jean shorts and use much stronger language than what’s on my business homepage.
But, just like I wouldn’t drop an f-bomb the first time I meet someone, I’m not going to present that part of myself on my homepage.
First impressions matter.
Need help with your business homepage?
I got your back.
I offer site audits with one-to-one personalized recommendations. We can figure out your business homepage together.