The truth about UFOs and marketing your wellness business
To the surprise of absolutely no one who regularly reads our blog, today we’re talking UFOs.
Many, many UFOs and marketing your wellness business.
How we found Ed and his night vision goggles
For years, my best friend Jameson and I would co-work together while listening to Coast to Coast AM.
If you’re not familiar with Coast to Coast AM, it’s a radio show with the tagline: Get news about the weird and bizarre!
And it delivers.
One day in 2011, Jame and I were working and listening and happened to hear an interview with guest Ed Grimsley, a guy claiming to have witnessed what he described as UFO battles viewed via his Generation 4 night vision goggles.
Nothing out of the ordinary for Coast to Coast, but Ed happened to mention that, for a fee, he took groups to his favorite viewing spot so they could get in on the action.
His favorite spot? Napa Valley, California, just two hours from where we lived in Nevada City, California.
Jameson and I locked eyes over our computers.
He got on Ed’s website, and we booked a night to go to Napa.
Our first glimpse of UFOs
To this day, I’m convinced that what Jameson, me, and our friend Jon (a willing third in our UFO obsession) saw that night was the real deal.
We gathered in a pitch-dark baseball field, Ed fired up the goggles, and for fifty bucks, we saw what looked like Star Wars on steroids.
Through the lenses of those goggles, the entire sky changed—what was just seconds before a standard, eventless sky turned into a stage full of craft-shaped lights fully capable of changing direction and flying in what appeared to be groups (fleets?!).
My heightened skepticism was satisfied. There was no way Ed could fake this; what we witnessed that night were UFOs.
Hidden-in-plain site UFOs & marketing
I still think about Ed Grimsley and the UFOs on that night in 2011.
With the naked eye, nothing was visible. We simply weren’t able to perceive the action happening above us. (To my doubtful readers: Jameson eventually bought his own set of night vision goggles, and yep, we saw some equally weird shit with those, too. Ed’s weren’t rigged.)
And this is where marketing your wellness practice comes in: you won’t be able to perceive the results of your hard work without some serious assistance. And even then, it won’t be 100% obvious.
Marketing creates waves that are largely hidden…someone gets your newsletter and forwards it to her sister or a potential patient stumbles across your site online thanks to your SEO efforts.
Or you write an article for your local paper, and someone sees it while making kindling for their fire and decides to make an appointment…a true story a client told me regarding how she found my practice!
You can use data-tracking tools like Google Analytics that reveal what’s happening behind the scenes on your website, but even the best analytics can’t communicate every “touch” you make with your marketing efforts.
The most successful wellness businesses keep. marketing.
Because you can’t see these marketing ripples, it’s easy to think you’re not making much of a difference. This is especially true in the first few years of business when you’re still establishing your brand, clarifying your message, and working to create trust and notoriety with potential patients.
The key is to keep marketing—blogging, sending emails, collaborating with peers, etc.—even if you’re not seeing the results you’d hoped for.
It takes time and experience to start seeing those flickers of life. In the beginning, you have to believe they’re out there.
As you work in your practice and get better and better at speaking to your audience and proving that you’re the real deal, it will be just like that night on the baseball field when we donned night vision goggles and got our minds blown: patients will start showing up.
They are out there…you just have to stick around and keep marketing long enough to see them.
Help with marketing your wellness business
Is it a coincidence that UFO and SEO are such similar acronyms?
We don’t think so. ????
Click here to sign up for our free SEO Marketing Masterclass if you want help marketing your wellness business.